PCT Day 43: Im Back Baby!
Day 43 6-30-2015 Sleep 2100 - 1030 Miles 1830 – 1860 I woke up to the maids coming in my room to clean. Whoops. I slept through my alarm. No wait they were just early. I told them I would be out in ten. I scrambled my stuff together and headed over to the store, which is where I would set camp for the day. I got wifi and just tried to entertain myself by catching up on the last 40 days of earth. With Dragonfly and MossWater gone, Mazama really sucked and I was lonely. I wanted to leave…it was actually motivating me. I knew I should dry out my feet and it was getting to the hottest part of the day. Who wants to hike in that? So I bottled it up and tried to sleep in the shade with my feet in the sun. Entertaining to me. Wizard Island ...